
[DGIST] 2024-2025년 전임교원 상시 공개초빙

공고 바로가기 : https://dgist.career.co.kr/jobs/jobs_view.asp?ID=1046


구분초빙 세부분야


· Chemistry

- All Areas in Chemistry for Exceptional Candidates

- Physical Chemistry: AI and Computational Chemistry

- Analytical Chemistry: Electrochemistry

- Polymer Chemistry

- Biochemistry

- Material chemistry

· Physics

- Quantum Information Science (Quantum Optics, AMO, Condensed Matter)

- Quantum Materials Experiments

- Semiconductor Physics

- All areas in physics for exceptional candidates


· While applicants who have demonstrated outstanding research in all areas of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science will be considered, preference will be given to those in the following areas:

- Computer Architecture, Compiler/Programming Languages, High-Performance Computing

- NLP, Generative AI, AI Theory, and other related areas in AI and ML

- Database/Data Mining/Big data

- Intelligent Biomedical Imaging Systems, Ultrasound, Biophotonics, MRI, CT, PET Systems (Requirements: Ph.D. or MD), Autonomous Vehicles, 6G Communications/Networks, Radar/LiDAR Sensors and Systems, Data-Driven Control, Cyber Security (e.g., Moving Target Defense), Quantum Computing, Wearable Imaging Sensors, Brain Signal Control based on Electrical Engineering

- Semiconductor Devices, Fabrication Processes and Packaging, Emerging Electronic Devices

- VLSI & Digital IC Design, Power Electronics


· AI theories and applications for robotics: AI algorithm, deep learning, machine learning, motion planning, intelligent control and other related topics

· Autonomous vehicle technology: computer vision, SLAM, vehicle control, intelligent transportation system and other related research topics

· Robotics: cooperative robot, industrial robot, humanoid, surgery / rehabilitation robot, exoskeleton, mobile robot, microrobot, and other related research topics

· AI Technology and Robotic/Mechatronic Applications in Biomedical Engineering and Healthcare (MD Recommended)


· All areas in Energy Science and Engineering (ESE) related to conversion,storage, and saving of energy, including but not limited to the following:

- Energy materials and devices (batteries, fuel cells, solar cells, catalysts, etc.)

- Semiconductor materials and devices

- Device physics, fabrication, and characterization related to electronic and optoelectronic devices

- Multi-scale, multi-physics modeling and simulation from molecule to macroscopic levels (combining quantum mechanics, molecular dynamics, Monte Carlo, finite element, or AI-assisted scale bridging)

- Microscopy (analytical TEM, super-resolution microscopy, tomography, simulation)

- Spectroscopy (pump-probe, time-resolved instantaneous PL & absorption, ultrafast multidimensional spectroscopy, X-ray spectroscopy)


- All areas in Brain Sciences (e.g., Molecular / Cellular / Systems / Cognitive / Computational neuroscience)

- Advanced Techniques applicable to Brain Sciences (e.g., Neuroimaging, Neuroelectronics, Omics, Bioinformatics, and Synthetic Biology)


· Systems Biology

· Chemical Biology

· Plant Biology

  • 소속(단대)


  • 모집학과(부)

     : 6개 학과

  • 모집분야 : 


  • 모집인원 : 

    정년트랙 00명

  • 담당자이름

     : 김성희

  • 연락처 : 

    • Efaculty@dgist.ac.kr@faculty@dgist.ac.kr

  • 상세정보 : 
